Neues Shirt von SLOWTORCH verfügbar!
Neu im monotonus.shop hinzugekommen ist das T-Shirt von SLOWTORCHSLOWTORCH sind eine Stoner-Metal Band aus Bozen und zeichnen sich durch ihre...
The basic idea of the monotonus shop is very simple:
The shop is intended to give musicians, artists and bands from East Tyrol and the surrounding area the opportunity to sell their music and merchandise items to people in a simple way.
It is often the case with musicians and bands (especially young or newly founded bands) that they are already doing very well in terms of musical quality and have already recorded music albums. However, they have no way of offering the record, which was recorded with diligence and great commitment, to a larger audience.
And this is where the monotonus shop should help.
In close contact and lively exchange with the artists, we try to find the best and easiest way to offer the material in the online shop.
The visitors of the monotonus shop are given the opportunity to actively support the artists and bands by buying a CD or a merchandise article.
So take your time and have fun with the music that is offered to you!