Award: "Best selling album of 2024" for Dishumanized

Harald Berger's project "Dishumanized" received the "Best Selling Album 2024" award from for the thrash metal album "The Maze Of Solitude", released in 2023.
Award: Best Selling Album of 2024
This year too, awarded the “Best Selling Album” award and it was with great pleasure that we were able to hand over the award this year to Harald Berger and his project Dishumanized.
The “Best Selling Album” award includes the framed award and there is also 100 euros in prize money.
This is intended to support the artist/band in their future endeavors!
We congratulate you and wish you continued success!
Dishumanized started in 2017 as a solo project by the East Tyrolean musician Harald Berger. The album “The Maze Of Solitude” was released in 2023 and received a positive response from fans and critics.
Since it was Harry's wish from the start to bring the project to the stage, after the album's release he decided to hire musicians for future live performances.
These were found and since then Patrick Kösslbacher (bass), Wolfgang Hauser (rhythm guitar) and Michael Oberwalder (drums) have accompanied him.
We are already looking forward to the next live performance!
This will take place at the Easter Festival (April 12th) in the Kolping Hall in Lienz. So you can be excited!